
I made it...

I am pleased to say that I made it one week on my own with baby Ava. I was certainly worried but it all worked out. It was hard on David getting up for work, after loosing a few hours of sleep throughout the week's nights, but it is now Sunday and he seems recovered and ready to do it all again. I'm not sure if I am just adjusting to a lack of sleep or if things are actually getting easier. I like to believe that it is the later.

This week is a busy week for us, as we have to go back to the doctor's office. Baby Ava lost an ounce last week, which she should have gained up to 6 oz., not lost. I'm sure it has to do with a bad latch and poor milk supply, so we are watching this more carefully. Hopefullyl, our new strategies will prove beneficial. Keep your fingers crossed.

This week and next will prove to be very busy. I think Mom may be coming on Tuesday to see Baby Ava and help prepare the home for the arrival of David's sister, Melanie, and her family. Also, I'm excited to get my haircut this week, as it has been MONTHS since the last cut. Also, the Memminger Spring Program is Wed., so I hope to take BA with me and introduce her to my students and faculty. Thursday, I will meet with Beth to work on the SCMEA newsletter and website, then finally, Friday we have the Conboy's arriving. Whew! It will be exhausting, but good.

3 comments on "I made it..."

Deedy Rogers on May 18, 2009 at 11:28 AM said...

I am so proud of Elizabeth; she is such a wonderful mother and so considerate. David is a great support to Liz and a sweet Dad to Ava. She is a very lucky girl and cute as a button! Need I say more?

Deedy Rogers on May 18, 2009 at 11:37 AM said...

HEy GUys,.
Obviously, I still cannot type. I enjoyed meeting sweet,precious little Ava. Hope we didn'timpose too much. I hope things are getting better with Ava's nursing. bElieve me inknow what it is like.iT's apretty common thing.I love all three of you so much.Your house is gorgeous!

Deedy Rogers on May 18, 2009 at 11:45 AM said...

The last comment is from my account from Aunt Susan...she didn't sign her name